Monday, August 1, 2011

Samples from Some Creative Students

I just came upon this site. These student projects are very impressive. I hope my students get the same opportunity in my Digital Multimedia course next year.

California Student Media Festival

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wordle of Gettysburg Address

Here is the text from the Gettysburg Address in Wordle form.

Wordle: The Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Engine Test

When I was a young girl in the early 60's, my father worked for North American Rockwell International. We lived in southern California, where a division called Rocketdyne built engines for Saturn rockets, and other rocket engines. He was transferred to a secluded test facility up in the Santa Susana mountains, and one day they had a family day, or "Open House".

My family got dressed up to go see "daddy's work" on a Saturday morning. We toured